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The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Outer Cover The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Inner Cover

The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

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Nintendo EPD


The Legend of Zelda

Nintendo Switch
Nintendo Wii U

Released Date(s):
March 3, 2017


Single-player Only

Bree's Review:

This action-adventure game stars Link, who has lost his memory and must save Princess Zelda while thwarting Calamity Ganon's plans to destroy the world. Set in the expansive open world of Hyrule, the game allows Link to collect items to enhance his clothing and weapons and to prepare food. Players can engage in various objectives or side quests, exploring many locations. Enemies vary in difficulty, indicated by different colors. Link can discover treasures, and environmental conditions may necessitate the use of potions or specific clothing to preserve health. The game features innovative abilities accessible through the Sheikah Slate, such as creating bombs or manipulating objects to form bridges. Activating towers enables fast travel and the use of a paraglider for quick navigation. Completing shrines awards Spirit Orbs, which can be used to increase Link’s health and stamina. Additionally, the game introduces Divine Beasts, offering new abilities, and scattered Korok seeds, which expand inventory capacity for weapons, shields, and bows. The vast world includes varied climates like grasslands, snowy regions, deserts, rivers, and volcanoes, enhancing the exploratory experience. As my first time playing a Legend of Zelda game, this game was a refreshing introduction, featuring extensive weapon options and protective clothing purchases. A unique feature, the Blood Moon, randomly respawns defeated enemies during midnight, adding a dynamic challenge. The game’s visuals are stunning and perfectly complement its theme.

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