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Fallout 4

Fallout 4

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Bethesda Game Studios

Bethesda Softworks


Microsoft Windows
PlayStation 4
Xbox One

Released Date(s):
November 10, 2015


Single-player Only

Bree's Review:

This action role-playing game is set in the year 2287, a decade after Fallout 3 and 210 years after "The Great War" which brought about nuclear devastation. Players assume the role of the Sole Survivor, who emerges from long-term cryogenic stasis in Vault 111. The game begins with the survivor witnessing the murder of their spouse and the abduction of their child. The player must then navigate the post-apocalyptic world, engage with different factions, complete various quests, and combat residents of the Commonwealth. The game allows players to upgrade their armor and weapons, cook food to boost health, and rest to recover. It features a voiced protagonist who reads out dialogue choices, and companions who can provide benefits or engage in romance based on their affinity with the player. Enemies vary in difficulty depending on the area, becoming more challenging as the player progresses. Leveling up opens up perks that enhance abilities such as health and wealth or unlock new capabilities. Players must also manage health and mitigate radiation, which can be done using items like Stimpaks or Radaways, especially in highly irradiated areas like the Glowing Sea. While I found the combat enjoyable and the ability to choose factions and learn companions' backstories compelling, the game's ending felt underwhelming and could have been more impactful. Nonetheless, the extensive exploration and combat make the game highly enjoyable.

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